Andrew A. Michta
Andrew Michta is currently the Dean of the College of International and Security Studies of the George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies. He was a Professor of the U.S Naval War College, Adjunct Fellow of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis, and scholar in other relevant institutions. He holds a Ph.D in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University. His main research interests include the US and European Security and NATO, focusing especially on the Baltic States and Central Europe.
Thursday March, 3
Panel II: Are Russia and China Encroaching on Europe?
A pragmatic economic partner or an adversary? Both labels have been applied to Russia and China, and such debates have strained Euro-Atlantic solidarity. Before the invasion of Ukraine, Russia and China had been getting closer. What are the defining characteristics of these Sino-Russian relations, and what does this imply for the future of Europe? Is this a marriage of convenience, or are there deeper motives at work? How will the current war in Ukraine change these dynamics? This panel will discuss these topics and more.